Intro [^]
Customizing the original CDs has to do with adding some features they miss. These are:
- SystemRescueCD - Adding a script to start the X server
This is necessary to properly start the X server in machines with an ATI graphics card and TFT monitor. I have an ACER laptop with that configuration, and this is the only way to enable the graphical environment. -
Clonezilla Live
Clonezilla Live has seen huge improvement recently, so there is no need to create a customised CD at this point. All the necessary customisation will be done through the ocs_prerun boot parameter.
The creation of the custom CD is a relatively easy process but a time consuming one. You have to boot from the original CD (which means you have to burn it to a CD-RW), create the customized ISO file and then create the multi boot CD using this customized ISO file.
If you just want to change the splash screen images and title, a much easier alternative is using patch-clonezilla-sysresccd.
Creating Custom SystemRescueCD [^]
You need to have:
- The latest create-clonezilla-sysresccd package. Download it from section "Download" and install it.
- The latest stable SystemRescueCD ISO. Download it from here: latest-sysresccd.
- A linux formatted (ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs) hard disk or partition with at least 700MB of free space. I will use /dev/hdb4 here; you will have to replace it with the device you will use.
Procedure [^]
This info comes from the page titled Sysresccd-manual-en How to personalize SystemRescueCd found at the SystemRescueCD site.
Boot into SystemRescueCD
If you already have the current Clonezilla-SysRescCD on CD, just put it in the CD drive and reboot.
Otherwise, you have to burn the System Rescue ISO file to a CD-RW, and reboot your system with your new CD. Note that you have to do a normal boot (no copy to RAM) for this to work. Assuming your CD writer is /dev/hdc you execute the command:cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc driveropts=burnfree /path/to/sysresccd.iso
If you have to erase the CD first, execute the command
cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc blank=fast
When the system is fully up
Mount the working partition
mount /dev/hdb4 /mnt/custom
If your normal root (/) partition is not /dev/hdb4, like in my case, mount this partition too. I will use /dev/hdb1 here; you may have to replace with your own.
mkdir /mnt/r
mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/rotherwise execute the command:
ln -s /mnt/custom /mnt/r
Extract the current files from the sysrcd.dat image
cd /mnt/custom
/usr/sbin/sysresccd-custom extractIf there is no error, all the files of the squashfs image should have been copied in /mnt/custom/customcd/files/
Install the new files
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/startx-ati-tft /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin
chmod +x /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin/startx-ati-tft
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/what-cd /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin
chmod +x /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin/what-cd
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/continue-multi-cd /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin
chmod +x /mnt/custom/customcd/files/usr/bin/continue-multi-cd
tar -C /mnt/custom/customcd/isoroot -xzf /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/doc.tar.gz
tar -C /mnt/custom/customcd/files -xzf /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/doc.tar.gzCreate the new squashfs image
/usr/sbin/sysresccd-custom squashfs
Set the default keymap (optional)
In the official version, System Rescue Cd asks you to select a keymap at startup. If you want to avoid seeing this menu and define a permanent keymap, you can run this command: /usr/sbin/sysresccd-custom setkmap <your-keymap>. The second parameter is the name or the number of your keymap in the menu.
Set english keymap as default:/usr/sbin/sysresccd-custom setkmap en
Create the new ISO image
Just type the following commands. The second parameter of the first command the volume name for the CDRom./usr/sbin/sysresccd-custom isogen my_srcd
mv /mnt/custom/customcd/isofile/sysresccd-new.iso /mnt/custom
rm -fr /mnt/custom/customcdSynchronize your disks
cd /
umount /mnt/custom
umount /mnt/r
Test the ISO image
The new final ISO image is sysresccd-new.iso in /dev/hdb4. You can test it with VMWare or qemu.
Creating Custom Clonezilla Live CD [^]
You need to have:
- The latest create-clonezilla-sysresccd package. If you haven't yet, download it from section "Download" and install it.
- The latest stable Clonezilla Live ISO. Download it from here: latest-clonezilla-live.
- A linux formatted (ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs) hard disk or partition with at least 700MB of free space. I will use /dev/hdb4 here; you will have to replace it with the device you will use.
- The template ISO file (debian live). Download it from here: debian-live-for-ocs.iso (~73MB) and save it in /dev/hdb4.
Saving files in /dev/hdb4 means you have to mount the partition first. For example:
mount /dev/hdb4 /mnt/my-save-dir
and save the files in /mnt/my-save-dir.
Procedure [^]
Note: This info comes from the page titled Clonezilla Live - Single machine clone system without installation found at the Clonezilla site.
Boot into Clonezilla Live
If you already have the current Clonezilla-SysRescCD on CD, just put it in the CD drive and reboot.
Otherwise, you have to burn the Clonezilla Live ISO file to a CD-RW, and reboot your system with your new CD. Supposing your CD writer is /dev/hdc you execute the command:cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc driveropts=burnfree /path/to/clonezilla-live.iso
If you have to erase the CD first, execute the command
cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc blank=fast
When the system is fully up select Enter_shell and type 2 to get to the shell.
Mount the working partition
sudo su -
mkdir /part
mount /dev/hdb4 /part- Install new scripts
If your normal root (/) partition is not /dev/hdb4, like in my case, mount this partition to get it. I will use /dev/hdb1 here; you may have to replace with your own.mkdir /mnt/r
mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/r
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/ocs-iso /opt/drbl/sbin
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/*-cd /usr/bin
cp /mnt/r/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/reloc-img /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/*-cd
chmod +x /usr/bin/reloc-img
umount /mnt/r
rmdir /mnt/rotherwise execute the commands:
cp /part/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/ocs-iso /opt/drbl/sbin
cp /part/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/*-cd /usr/bin
cp /part/root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files/reloc-img /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/*-cd
chmod +x /usr/bin/reloc-img Create the customized ISO file
cd /part
/opt/drbl/sbin/ocs-iso -sThis command will create an ISO file called clonezilla-live-1.2.1-39.iso
Do NOT delete any of the files present in /part, as they may be needed later on.Synchronize your disks
cd /
umount /part
Test the ISO image
So now you have the file clonezilla-live-1.2.1-39.iso in /dev/hdb4. You can test it with VMWare or qemu.
Creating Multi Boot custom CD [^]
You need to have:
- The linux formatted (ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs) hard disk or partition with at least 700MB of free space, used when following the procedures above. I will assume /dev/hdb4 here; you will have to replace it with the device you have used. I will also assume that this partition is mounted in /data when your normal linux box is operational. Again you will have to use the corresponding mount point.
Both the customized CD created following the procedures above and the original Clonezilla Live CD. These are:
/data/sysresccd-new.iso and
Procedure [^]
- Boot into your normal Linux system, as root
Create a new profile
Open /root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/profiles.conf in a text editor and add the lines:profile[3]=Multi-boot-modified
outNameP[3]='full-mod'If you want to use a customized splash screen, create a 640x480 32-bit png image file (for example splash-screen.png) providing your logo, personal page, email address etc., save it in /data and add the line
Finally customize any other variable for profile 3, as you see them used in previously defined profiles.
If sysCDP[3] is already defined (profile 3 already exists), just use the first available number. This goes for every entry in this step.Create the final CD using the new profile
Execute the command:create-clonezilla-sysresccd -p 3
This will create the file /root/tmp/clonezilla-sysresccd-full-mod-3.1.0.iso. You will be asked to burn it to CD, but I would suggest not to do it right now, not before testing it.
Cleaning up
cd /data
rm clonezilla-live-1.2.1-39.iso sysresccd-new.iso
debian-live-for-ocs.iso unifont.bgf
umount /data- Test the ISO image
Now you have the file clonezilla-sysresccd-full-mod-3.1.0.iso in /root/tmp. You can test it with VMWare or qemu, if you haven't already burnt it to CD.
Using patch-clonezilla-sysresccd [^]
patch-clonezilla-sysresccd is a script which will help you create a customized version of Clonezilla-SysRescCD, by changing the splash screen images and title.
In order to use it, you have to have both the latest Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO file and tarball archive. You can download them from the Download section.
Its help screen is the following:
# patch-clonezilla-sysresccd -h
patch-clonezilla-sysresccd - v 2.2.0
(C) 2008, Spiros Georgaras <>
A utility to personalize Clonezilla-SysRescCD
Usage: patch-clonezilla-sysresccd [options]
Available options are:
i [file or device] input file or cdrom device
o [iso file] outpup ISO file. If not specified, implies burn ISO file (-b)
and delete ISO file (-d)
s [png image] boot splash screen
r [png image] restore splash screen
t [title] boot screen title
p [partition] partition to be used as temporary storage location and/or final
ISO file creation location (e.g -p hda)
k Do not create/burn the ISO file. Just make the modified files
available for further customization (optional)
b burn ISO file to CD (optional)
f burn ISO file to CD on the fly (optional)
w writter device to use (optional)
d delete ISO file after burning to CD.
Implies burn ISO file (-b) (optional)
v print version and exit
h print this screen and exit
patch-clonezilla-sysresccd requires you to provide two images, one for the splash screen of your Clonezilla-SysRescCD (parameter -s), and one that will be used by the restore CD/DVD creation procedure (parameter -r).