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Torrents updated [^]

Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 16:08:20 +0200

Due to some trackers' problems, new Torrents have been created
and posted on the site (no more links to torrent indexes)

I'd like to thank Darr for pointing it out

Tarball packing error [^]

Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 13:22:38 +0300

A packing error was reported by Dan St.André (Thanks Dan!!!).
The tarball was fixed and updated

You can get if from here

Tarball links fixed!!! [^]

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 15:35:32 +0300

The link to the Clonezilla-SysRescCD tarball was incorrect,
but now it's fixed

Sorry for the inconvenience...

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 3.1.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 21:23:38 +0300

New release after a long long time!!!

In the meanwhile a lot of things have changed conserning our two base live CDs,
and I should say it's all for the best

So here is the Clonezilla-SysResc Changelog
- Clonezilla Live updated to version 1.2.5-35
- SystemRescueCD updated to version 1.6.0
- Three Clonezilla-SysRescCD flavours are now available,
  one for each architecture (i486,i686,amd64) - Super Grub Disk updated to version 0.9799
- Added Super Grub Disk 2 version 1.98s
- Smart Boot Manager was added to the Tools section
- Added restorecd/ and docs/ to the squashfs file of Clonezilla distro.
  This way all items are always available (even when booting to RAM)
- Added auto mode (parameter -a) to script create-clonezilla-sysresccd
- Most operations are now executed through the TUI (Text User Interface)
- Major site and documentation update (thanks to Jyrki Vesterinen)

You can get it at our downoad page


Windows USB installation problem [^]

Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 20:19:59 +0300

Hi all

There is a problem with Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.6.0 Windows installation procedure; the file syslinux.exe
found in syslinux folder, is of an older version. Thus, the user has to use the file syslinux.exe found
in syslinux-3.63.zip to successfully install Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.6.0 on USB

Thanks to Manfred Hantl for reporting and fixing the problem

USB installation problem [^]

Date: Sat, 05 Jul 2008 14:22:25 +0300

Hi all
The off-line USB installation instructions (on CD) still refer to the
previous version of Clonezilla Live, and do not work anymore

Please use the on-line instructions to transfer Clonezilla Live on USB

In case you have already used the off-line instructions, please make sure
that files filesystem.squashfs, vmlinuz1 and initrd1.img reside
in folder live, and execute syslinux again

PS: Manfred, I have lost your message, due to a KMail crash, so I cannnot
answer to you personally. Hope you get to read this...

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.6.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 01:41:04 +0300

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.6.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 19:23:38 +0300

It's been almost two months since version 2.5.0, and I've lost a couple of
SystemRescueCD bug fix releases, beeing so busy and stuff...

Release 2.6.0 is yet another great release, thanks to the original developers


- Clonezilla Live updated to version 1.1.0-8
- SystemRescueCD updated to version 1.0.4
- Super Grub Disk updated to version 0.9726

Fixing Clonezilla Live modified CD creation instructions [^]

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 14:31:13 +0300

It looks like writing instructions is not my strong point...
So here's one more fix, thanks to Mark S. Jones

Creating Custom Clonezilla Live CD

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.5.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 14:17:45 +0300

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.5.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:15:13 +0300


- Clonezilla Live updated to version 1.0.10-8
- SystemRescueCD updated to version 1.0.1
- Super Grub Disk updated to version 0.9701

Fixing Custom Clonezilla Live CD creation instructions [^]

Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:49:02 +0200

A bug has been fixed in the custom Clonezilla Live CD creation instructions section.
Thanks to Jens Haeuser

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.4.1 bug fix tarball [^]

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:47:17 +0200

One more installation problem has been reported, using 2.4.0 tarball
and trying to make a full installation (running ./configure --enable-fullInstall)

The problem was that the configuration files were not included in the tarball

The problem has been fixed and a new tarball has been uploaded
The file is available either as create-clonezilla-sysresccd-2.4.0.tar.gz
or create-clonezilla-sysresccd-2.4.1.tar.gz, but in either case the
installation folder is create-clonezilla-sysresccd-2.4.1

Sorry for the inconvenience...

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.4.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:44:05 +0200

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.4.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:26:02 +0200

It contains:
        Clonezilla Live 1.0.9-19 (mod)
        SystemRescueCD 1.0.0 (mod)

Clonezilla Live updated to version 1.0.9-19

Clonezilla Live v 1.0.9-10 backup session flash presentation [^]

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:51:54 +0200

A flash presentation of a Clonezilla Live v 1.0.9-10 backup session is available at: http://clonezilla-sysresccd.hellug.gr/flash-backup.html

It is created with Wink, on a QEMU virtual PC, equipped with two hard disks (hda and hdb) and a cdrom (to boot Clonezilla-SysrescCD v 2.3.0).

Fixing USB installation instructions [^]

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 00:28:04 +0200

The USB installation instructions (on site and CD) were missing a command
which would lead to not being able to boot Clonezilla Live

The instructions are now edited, corrected and tested
Sorry for the inconvenience

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.3.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 13:32:23 +0200

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.3.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 00:00:04 +0200

It's been just two weeks since the last release, and here is a new
one featuring SystemRescueCD v 1.0.0, which makes using
Clonezilla-SysRescCD on USB easier than ever.

SystemRescueCD updated to version 1.0.0
- Added two command line parameters to ocs-iso, used in auto restore DVD
  mastering. More info: Working with a USB keyboard
- Fixed the create-clonezilla-sysresccd installation problem
  Thanks to Chris Rehder

Fixing "Tools > Network boot via etherboot" problem [^]

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 14:40:51 +0200

People using create-clonezilla-sysresccd, will end up with a non working entry in
"Tools > Network boot via etherboot". This procedure fixes the problem:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.2.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 00:58:34 +0200

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 2.2.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:35:03 +0200

        Clonezilla Live 1.0.9-10 (mod)
        SystemRescueCD 0.4.3 (mod)

Clonezilla Live updated to version 1.0.9-10
- Updated script reloc-img to support remote images (through samba and nfs)
- Added patch-clonezilla-sysresccd, a script that can be used to
  customize an existing Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO file
  More info: Using patch-clonezilla-sysresccd

Documentation update [^]

A page called Some theory on disks has been added to the annexes of the site. It is a reference of the basic concepts of booting, partitioning etc.

Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 13:22:45 GMT

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 1.3.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:13:48 GMT

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 1.3.0 is out!!! [^]

Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 15:40:17 GMT

        Clonezilla Live 1.0.5-8 (mod)
        SystemRescueCD 0.4.1 (mod)

- Changed the splash screen tool selection interface
  A navigation menu scheme has been adopted
- Removed ranish.img from the CD
  The Ranish Partition Manager has been integrated into FreeDos
  This is because of the fact that Ranish Partition Manager would not
  execute as a standalone floppy image
- Added Super Grub Disk to the available tools
  The floppy image provided by "Super Grub Disk" (english version)
  has been added to the source tarball
- Script continue-multi-cd (SysRescCD) updated to v 2.0.0
  Use "continue-multi-cd -h" to see the new interface
- Fixed a minor bug in script what-cd
- All the files needed for CD creation have been included in the
  source tarball. This way the user will only have to download the
  debian live ISO file, in order to create Clonezilla-SysRescCD.
  The debian live ISO file has not been included because of its size
  (~ 79 MB), which would make the source tarball too big.
  The files can be fount in /root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files
- All cfg files have been moved to /root/.clonezilla-sysresccd/files
  If you are upgrading from a previous version, please delete/move
  these files, and adjust your configuration files (conf files)
- A new variable has been inserted to the configuration files (named
  DebianLiveFolder in clonezilla-sysresccd.conf and DebianLiveFolderP
  in profiles.conf). This variable should point to the folder where
  the debian live ISO has been saved. If you are upgrading from a
  previous version, please adjust your configuration files (conf files)
- Added support to script create-clonezilla-sysresccd for compressed
  (tar.gz) isolinux configuration files, in order to implement menus

Download: http://clonezilla-sysresccd.hellug.gr/intro.html#download

Clonezilla-SysRescCD mailing lists up and running!!! [^]

Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 15:23:40 GMT

The project's mailing lists have been recreated at hellug.gr
You can get more info at the corresponding section of this page

Clonezilla-SysRescCD beeing removed from SourceForge [^]

Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 21:27:03 GMT

I have just received a message informing me that Clonezilla-SysRescCD
will be removes from SourceForge

This is the message:

        Subject: Project clone-sysresccd - being removed from SourceForge.net
        From: Daniel Hinojosa <dhinojosa@corp.sourceforge.com>
        To: sng@hellug.gr
        Date: 19/10/2007 20:58
        We're very sorry to have to remove your project. However, on secondary
        review, this project does not meet our guidelines
        for project hosting as it is a software distribution.
        These project tend to take a lot of disk space. Should you want touse
        SourceForge.net for bug tracking, mailing lists, web site, etc.,
        we would welcome that via a new project request.
        The removal will occur within about 24 hours maximum.
        Daniel Hinojosa - Sr. Manager, Customer Support
        w - http://www.sourceforge.com
        e - dhinojosa@corp.sourceforge.com
        p - 650.694.2133

This means that both mailing lists will not be available any more
I will try to find another host for them and if I succeed there will be an
announcement at the project's home page http://clonezilla.sysresccd.hellug.gr/intro.html#lists

In any case, I would like to thank SourceForge for hosting the project up to now

Spiros Georgaras <sng@hellug.gr>

Clonezilla-SysRescCD 1.2.0 ISO direct link available!!! [^]

Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:02:27 GMT

A direct link to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO is available thanks to HEL.L.U.G - http://www.hellug.gr

You can get the ISO from here:

and the md5sum file from here:

Don't forget, direct links to Clonezilla-SysRescCD ISO, will be published (when available), here:

v 1.2.0 Bug: script continue-multi-cd v 1.0.0 [^]

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:52:11 GMT

The shell script continue-multi-cd (introduced in Clonezilla-SysRescCD v 1.2.0), has a bug which makes it unusable.
Please use continue-multi-cd v 1.0.1, available at http://clonezilla-sysresccd.hellug.gr/continue-multi-cd

I am very sorry for the inconvenience

Clonezilla-SysRescCD gets its own site!!! [^]

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:21:37 GMT

I am happy to announce that Clonezilla-SysRescCD now has it's own site http://clonezilla-sysresccd.hellug.gr , thanks to Hellenic Linux User Group (HEL.L.U.G.) http://www.hellug.gr

Site pages have been reformatted in a linux-like documentation format, and a printable version of each page is available (through PHP)